Financial Aid Forms and Policies


The following forms and/or links will help you in the Financial Aid process:

2025/2026 Forms

2024/2025 Forms

The PDF files listed may require the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to be downloaded and installed.

Additional Resources

How does Roger Williams University's Financial Aid Office choose preferred lenders?

The Preferred Lender list is reviewed on an annual basis in the fall prior to Financial Aid Award Letters being sent to students for the next academic year. The Financial Aid staff (FAS) meets with and reviews information from a broad range of lenders located in and outside the New England area. Once the FAS has met and retrieved information from the lenders Roger Williams University FAS compares lenders based on the following two criteria:

  1. Service to borrowers
  2. Borrower Benefits

As a result FAS picks the top four lenders that have the best customer service and benefits for our borrowers. Roger Williams University has a list of four preferred lenders to help assist our students and parents in their search of the best lender for their circumstances. RWU does not receive any payment or benefits from the lenders on our preferred lender list. Our Preferred Lender List is a suggestion only and we will work with any lender at our students’ or parents’ request.


Financial aid is distributed in equal installments each term. Exemptions are campus work-study where the student is paid bi-weekly.  Also any outside scholarships are credited to the students billing statement upon receipt.  In order for us to assess your financial need in a fair and uniform manner, all applicants (freshman and transfer) must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after October 1 each year, but no later than February 1.  

Definition of Degree-Applicable Courses:
Degree-Applicable courses are defined as college-level courses that apply to a student’s degree-seeking program or certificate. If a student enrolls in courses that do not apply to a student’s degree or certificate, those courses cannot be counted as part of their enrollment status and therefore, their aid will be prorated to cover only the courses that apply. Students will need to pay out of pocket for the courses that do not apply for their certificate or degree-seeking program.

The Department of Education Financial Aid regulations affirm that federal Title IV and state financial aid cannot be awarded for courses that do not count toward a student’s academic program (degree-applicable courses). 34 CFR 668.2(b) states “If a student is enrolled in courses that do not count toward his degree, certificate, or other recognized credential, they cannot be used to determine enrollment status unless they are eligible remedial courses. This means you cannot award the student aid for classes that do not count toward his degree, certificate, or other recognized credential”. This policy applies to every student receiving Federal and State Aid.

Preparatory Coursework:
A student is eligible to receive Direct Loans for preparatory coursework as long as the student satisfies coursework before being admitted as a regular student. Eligibility is limited to 12 months.

Remedial Coursework:
34 CFR 668.20 states that “If the student is admitted and takes remedial coursework within that program, he can be considered a regular student, even if he is taking all remedial courses before taking any regular courses for a limit of 30 semester hours up to one academic year” and therefore be eligible for federal and state aid.

What types of Federal and State aid could be affected by taking non-degree courses at RWU?
The types of Federal Aid that could be affected at RWU are the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized and Direct PLUS Loan programs, Perkins Loan, and Federal Work-Study. The types of state grants that could be affected are the Rhode Island Promise, Rhode Island Crusade, and Vermont State Grant.

Are Enrolled Graduate Students Taking Prerequisite Undergraduate Courses Eligible for Title IV Loans?
Student that have been fully admitted as graduate students can take undergraduate courses and be eligible for graduate loan limits as long as these courses are applicable towards the student’s graduate degree and will be enrolled at least half-time.

Retaking Classes:
Retaking Coursework policy at RWU states that, “a course may be repeated for credit if “a grade of C- or less is received on the first attempt. If a student receives as second grade of C- or less in the repeated course, the course may be repeated only once more”.

34 CFR 668.2(b) allows a student, in a term-based program only, to retake one time only per previously passed course. Therefore, if a student had any grade higher than an “F”, he or she may repeat the class one time only and receive federal and state aid for that class. However, a student that repeatedly fails the same course and retakes it will still be eligible for federal and state aid as long as the student maintains minimum rate of progress. 

Prerequisite Classes:
Students are eligible for federal and state aid as long as the prerequisite classes satisfy their certificate or degree requirements.

Dual Major/Degree:
Students will be eligible for federal and state aid as long as they enroll in courses that apply for either degree. However, your ability to receive federal and state aid may be impacted once you have completed the degree requirements for one of your degrees. Students that have completed their requirements for one of the degrees will not be eligible for Pell Grant and SEOG.

Next Steps:
Any students receiving financial aid from federal and state sources should meet with their advisor to ensure that they are following their academic plan. The advisor will review with the student which classes are required for their degree or certificate. Before enrolling in elective classes, please confirm with your advisor if all the electives that you register for are considered degree-applicable courses.

If you intend to take a class that does not apply for your degree or certificate, please stop by the Financial Aid Office to see if your financial aid will be impacted.

As part of our comprehensive financial aid packaging, Roger Williams University offers institutionally supported merit scholarships ranging from $8,000 to the cost of full tuition per year. All students are considered for merit-based scholarships, with no separate application required.

  •  Scholarships are earned based on accomplishments prior to attending RWU and renew based solely on good academic standing.
  • Scholarships are renewable for the student's full four years of study at RWU
  • Student must maintain full time enrollment term (minimum of 12 credits)

On a case-by-case basis and consistent with federal guidelines, Roger Williams University Financial Aid may consider a student’s special circumstances to either increase or decrease data elements used to calculate the Student Aid Index (SAI), or to add expenses to a student’s budgeted cost of attendance. These adjustments affect only need-based aid. Since the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) does not afford the opportunity to provide details about any special circumstances that could impact a student’s ability to pay costs associated with a program of study. The Financial Aid Office is expected and required to make reasonable decisions that support the intent of the federal guidelines regarding professional judgment. Roger Williams University is held accountable for all professional judgment decisions made, and for fully documenting each decision. The decision of the Financial Aid is both discretionary and final; there is no appeal process to the U.S. Department of Education. This policy sets forth guidelines regarding how professional judgment in financial aid will be exercised at Roger Williams University.

Professional Judgement cannot be exercised to:

  • circumvent the law or regulations;
  • waive general student eligibility requirements;
  • change a student’s status from independent to dependent;
  • adjust the EFC directly;
  • alter the need analysis formula or change table values;
  • create a new category in the cost of attendance.

Special Circumstances

Special circumstances are ones that differentiate the student’s finances from those of other students. The Special Circumstance form, available from the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, includes a more information and documentation requirements. Exercise of professional judgment is neither limited to nor required for the situations mentioned.

Examples of special circumstances:

  • changes to dependency status;
  • one-time laptop purchase
  • unusually high medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance;
  • support of extended family;
  •  changes in a family’s reported income due to: o death or disability of a wage earner;
  •  divorce;
  • unemployment of a family member or anticipated drop in family income;
  • termination of a child-support agreement;
  • student leaves work to attend school full time;

Examples not considered special circumstances:

  • vacation expenses;
  • standard living expenses (e.g., utilities, credit card expenses, children’s allowances, etc.);
  • mortgage payments;
  • car payments;
  • lawn care;
  • credit-card or other personal debt problems;
  • all other discretionary expenses.

Requesting a Professional Judgment Review

If a student or prospective student believes he or she has a situation that would qualify as a special circumstance that may lead to a professional judgment, the student or prospective student should pick complete a special circumstance form, Special Circumstances | Roger Williams University ( The Admissions and Financial aid administrator will review your request a first-come, first-served basis, will issue a decision. The process typically takes 2 weeks. After receiving a professional judgment request, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid will first examine the request to determine whether the requested adjustment, if granted, will impact a student’s financial aid package before going through the formal professional judgment decision process.

Roger Williams University is committed to the academic success of all students. It monitors progress toward success via the Academic Good Standing requirements. To remain in Academic Good Standing students must meet both rate of progress and required cumulative grade point requirements. Failure to meet Academic Good Standing requirements will result in sanctions and interventions, including dismissal from the University, in cases of serious or repeated poor academic performance. 

To meet the rate of progress requirement, full-time students must accumulate at least the minimum number of credit hours noted on the scale below. The minimum satisfactory rate of progress would necessitate five years for completing an undergraduate degree. Students who wish to complete their undergraduate degree in four years should plan to complete at least fifteen (15) credits per semester A student that elects to take a reduced program of study (12-14 credit) during the fall and spring semester and are strongly advised to enroll in Winter Intersession or Summer Session courses.

SAP is ran on an annual basis at the end of the spring semester once grades have been determined.

  • Students that are determined of not meeting SAP will be sent a letter notifying them of the appeal process.
  • The letter will give a due date and notification date to students in regards to the institutions reconsideration of the student’s eligibility for Title IV aid.
  • If student fails to make SAP, student—
  • Loses eligibility for Title IV aid
  • If an appeal is approved the student is notified of the conditions that must be met to continue their financial Aid eligibility after each term as outlined in the plan.
  • A student that has failed to make SAP, who has appealed and has been granted an appeal, will be on Financial Aid Probation as stated on their approval letter.
  • If a student does not meet the academic plan any future aid will be canceled.  The student can only regain financial aid eligibility until the student is meeting SAP.

Scale for Satisfactory Academic Standing

      Full-Time                                                               Minimum
Semesters Completed*     Minimum GPA        Credit Hours Completed
End of 1st Semester                            1.70*                                              12
End of 2nd Semester                           1.80                                               24
End of 3rd Semester                            1.90                                               36
End of 4th Semester                            2.00                                               48
End of 5th Semester                            2.00                                               60
End of 6th Semester                            2.00                                               72
End of 7th Semester                            2.00                                               84
End of 8th Semester                            2.00                                               96
End of 9th Semester                            2.00                                             108
End of 10th Semester                          2.00                                             120

*Courses graded on a pass/fail basis will be counted in credits attempted but will not count in the cumulative grade point average.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals

Any student who believes that mitigating circumstances prevented him or her from achieving the minimum requirement should complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form with Elizabeth Niemeyer, Senior Retention Advisor, located in the library, room 204.

The form should be addressed to:
SAP Appeals Committee
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809-2921

We recognize that the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) may not always portray a clear picture of your financial situation. If the FAFSA does not adequately reflect your current situation, or your financial circumstances have changed since you submitted the FAFSA, you may request a re-evaluation of your financial aid eligibility. We encourage you to complete the Special Circumstance Appeal Form. Please read the form carefully, choose the circumstance that best fits your situation, and provide all the information requested.

In reviewing your completed form, the RWU FA Appeals Committee will consider your situation and determine any possible changes that may be made to your federal, state, and institutional aid resources. Keep in mind financial situation does not guarantee that additional assistance is possible.

Unusual Circumstance Consideration

Completing a Special Circumstance Appeal form allows students/families to address income changes in the current calendar year versus the prior year. The income and asset changes may result in a revision to the Student Aid Index (SAI), and any change in the SAI will help our office determine whether a student becomes eligible for additional financial aid.

Common types of circumstances that warrant a closer review include:

  • Recent Disability.
  • Retirement during the calendar year.
  • The death of a significant wage earner listed on the FAFSA.
  • Divorce/Separation of dependent student parents; divorce of an independent student and spouse.
  • Change in amounts of child or spousal support
  • Extraneous out-of-pocket medical expenses not covered by insurance incurred between January 1 and December 31 of the prior calendar year. Note: Costs must not exceed medical expenses as allowed by financial aid regulations.
  • Change regarding number of family members in the household whom you or your parents provide more than 50% support.

Documentation Requirements

Loss of Income/Resources
Incurred as a result of layoff/unemployment, disability, retirement, death, divorce and/or child or spousal support.

Documentation required:

  • Job Loss 
    • Three (3) most current pay stubs from each job held between January 1 through December 31 of the current year
    • If laid off, letter of termination from employer and copy of final pay stub
    • Notice of unemployment insurance award
    • Retirement benefits statement
  • Disability benefits eligibility letter
  • Agency verification of loss of benefits
  • Death Certificate 
    • Any information about income from death (i.e., life insurance, death benefits, pension plans)
  • Divorce decree or statement of separation
  • Court/legal documentation (child/spousal support) verifying date support ends

Medical Costs (not covered by insurance)

Costs should not exceed medical expenses as allowed by federal regulations. Expenses must have been paid by parents or students.

Documentation required:

  • Receipts and/or billing statements from medical provider(s) that the family or student has paid out of pocket
  • Itemized statement from insurance company documenting costs not covered by insurance

Changes in the number of family members

Include any changes to the number of family members. These family members must be someone for whom you or your parents provide more than 50% of support.

Documentation required:

  • Provide a detailed statement explaining the reason for the change
  • List names, ages, relationships, and number in college

Other: Family situations not covered by the above can be documented in a letter and submitted for consideration also. Please note that any such change does not guarantee an increase in aid or changes to the original financial aid award. RWU provides the best offer in its original financial aid award.


Students will be notified via email notification or phone regarding the Appeal Committee’s decision. In addition, students’ appeals that have been granted will receive a revised award viewable in the Financial Aid Portal via Roger Central. All decisions are final and appeals will only be reconsidered if new information is submitted.


All admitted students are considered for freshman academic scholarships. Each admission application is carefully reviewed and scholarship decisions are based on an overall assessment of the information contained in the original application materials. We have had to make very difficult decisions to select the overall strongest applicants from an extremely competitive applicant pool. Students appealing a scholarship decision should provide new and compelling academic information that was not previously included in their applications, or extenuating personal circumstances they feel warrant a change in the scholarship decision.

Documentation for a Merit Appeal

A complete appeal must be submitted in writing by the applicant, and must include the student’s most recent official transcript or grade report. If there is additional context to the student grades and performance that warrants explanation, The applicant may submit specific letters of support from teachers, counselors, and other persons who can provide information that may not have been included in the original scholarship review process.

Please return all requested materials to:
The Office of Student Financial Aid
Fax 401-254-3356
Phone 401-254-3100

The RWU appeal committee is responsible for reviewing the appeal, ensuring fairness, and making a final decision regarding the appeal.

Appeal Committee

  • The appeal committee is composed of individuals from Bursar’s Office, Student Life Office, Financial Aid, and Center for Student Academic Success to ensure impartiality.
  • The committee members are responsible for reviewing all the materials related to the case and making a decision based on the facts presented.
  • The committee meets weekly and shares a MS Teams Folder that accesses all appeals for the week, the folder also includes an excel file with all the decision made in the appeal committee meeting. The folder is archived annually and kept for 3 years (based on RWU Record Retention Policy)

Review of the Appeal

  • The committee reviews the grounds for the appeal, and any supporting evidence provided by the appellant. If any financial changes are needed, the adjustments are made by a FAC before submitting the new SAI to the Appeal Committee.

Deliberation and Decision

  • After reviewing the case, the committee deliberates, weighing the evidence, and discussing the merits of the appeal.
  • Based on the review, the committee may:
    • Deny any additional aid.
    • Modify the original award and offer additional aid.
    • Send the case back for further consideration, if necessary.
    • Hold appeal until next set of grades are issued for reconsideration.

Communication of the Outcome

  • The appellant is informed of the committee's decision, usually via email. Adjustments to aid are visible to the student on Roger Central in the FA Portal.

Key Considerations

  • Fairness and impartiality: The appeal committee is objective in reviewing the case.
  • Budget: The process continues throughout the fiscal year while maintaining the over student aid budget.
  • Timeliness: The appeal process is completed within 2 weeks of submission to ensure the student is served without unnecessary delay.

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to set forth the requirements for administration of endowed scholarships. This policy does not apply to organizations or individuals unaffiliated with Roger Williams University who control the funding of scholarships and selection of scholarship recipients.

Policy: This policy establishes criteria and procedures for the awarding of endowed scholarships for eligible RWU students enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program. These guidelines ensure equitable treatment for all eligible students who apply for endowed scholarship assistance, as well as provide effective and compliant administration of scholarships. The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for oversight of the University’s endowed scholarship program and acts as a liaison between academic departments and the Office of Institutional Advancement. The Office of Financial Aid sets deadlines, ensures that departments adhere to scholarship guidelines, and verifies that funds are spent according to agreements as well as institutional, state and federal regulations.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible to apply or be considered for an Endowed Scholarship Award, an applicant must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be an existing RWU student in Good Academic Standing enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program. Or be an admitted new student who meets the criteria of the Endowed Scholarships for New Students.
    1. Must submit an RWU scholarship application, when applicable.
    2. Must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (or equivalent, approved form) in order to determine the financial need of the applicant. (Note application and FAFSA deadline are typically 2/1 of a given year for the subsequent Fall term, i.e. 25/26 FAFSA is due 2/1/25).
    3. Eligibility based on factors such as academic merit, financial need, specific fields of study, or other qualifying characteristics. See for specific criteria of each award.
    4. May not be receiving tuition remission, CIC, or Tuition Exchange, ROTC, or other full-tuition awards.

Scholarship Application Process: The criteria to be used in selecting scholarship recipients from an endowed fund established at RWU must be based on factors that are appropriate to accomplishing the underlying purpose of the endowed scholarship as described in the agreement creating such fund. RWU’s Office of Institutional Advancement will work with the donors to establish funds that fulfill the donors’ charitable goals and feature a clear selection criterion.

Students who are interested in applying for endowed scholarships for the upcoming academic year (fall and spring semesters) must complete and submit a Scholarship Application Form which is available on the Financial Aid webpage and is also emailed to enrolled full-time day students annually. A deadline for applications will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid. The administration of the scholarship grant process (including the selection of recipients) is within the authority and discretion of the Financial Aid Scholarship Committee. Grantees are to be selected on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis.

Scholarship Selection Process: Scholarship awards are made for one academic year, with the exception of renewable scholarships. Awards are made for both fall and spring semesters simultaneously, unless the criteria specifies otherwise, or the Financial Aid Scholarship Coordinator (with Director of FA approval) can justify it be awarded to a graduating student on their last semester of studies. Students will receive one scholarship disbursement per semester. Students awarded a scholarship for the spring semester only will receive the full amount of their scholarship in one disbursement.

All eligible applicants’ materials will be reviewed and evaluated by the Financial Aid Scholarship Committee. If there are no qualified applicants, the Financial Aid Scholarship Committee may select an otherwise eligible candidate who most closely matches the criteria and donor intent of the award.

Scholarship Awarding Criteria:

  1.  Students must be enrolled in a matriculating program, be in good academic standing with the University and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress to receive a scholarship.
  2. There is no limit set regarding scholarship offers; however, the Financial Aid Scholarship Committee is permitted to determine the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded each year, with the goal that the minimum award be $1,000 per student.
  3. The amount of the scholarship and other financial aid cannot exceed state and federal regulations or, in any case, exceed the cost of attendance as determined by the University through the Office of Financial Aid. If the Office of Financial Aid later learns of additional Private Scholarships that cause the student to be over awarded, aid will be adjusted in the following order: Fill any unmet need, reduce Work-study (no impact on bill), reduce need-based loans, reduce endowed award. In all cases Donor intent met be satisfied (i.e. if for tuition versus room and board).

Conflict of Interest: Committee members with a past or current working, familial, or other significant relationship with an applicant or applicant’s family may not participate in assessing, discussing, or voting on the application. All conflicts must be disclosed prior to Financial Aid Scholarship committee deliberations.

Award Notification Process and Scholarship Acceptance Requirements: All scholarship recipients will receive an email of notification through their RWU email. Students are encouraged to write a thank you note(s), even if they are not required per donor criteria. Failure to submit a required thank you note(s) will render the scholarship offer invalid and the scholarship will no longer be available for the named student. The Financial Aid Scholarship Committee can then re-award the scholarship to another student.

Exclusions from consideration: Students who receive the following awards are excluded from consideration given their RWU funding is already at highest institutional level. Tuition Remission, Tuition Exchange, CIC Tuition Exchange, Portsmouth High School Scholarship, Payson Full- tuition Scholarship, Michael Andrade Scholarship, Bristol Grant – Fire Affiliation, Bristol Grant – Police Affiliation, Intercultural Leadership Award (ILA), RWU ROTC, ROTC, and RWU SOLA Scholarship.

Awarding Priority: Students eligible for multiple awards will be awarded the scholarship with the highest financial value in order to 
maximize the number of students awarded funding.

Renewal Conditions: Any awards that are renewable will be evaluated annually to ensure donor intent continues to be satisfied by the incumbent. Some examples include but are not limited to, maintaining a minimum GPA or demonstrating continued financial need.

Equity and Elimination of Bias: The Financial Aid Scholarship Committee will be provided with academic and need-based information and any other criteria specific for the award, but will not be provided student names until the selection of the award is completed to avoid any bias or discrimination.

Compliance: The Financial Aid Scholarship Committee will adhere to federal, state, and institutional regulations governing the distribution of financial aid, including nondiscrimination policies.

These policies aim to support access to higher education for students who might otherwise be unable to afford it, while also ensuring 
responsible management of institutional resources.

Note: If a student is receiving a renewable endowed scholarship and later becomes eligible for Tuition Remission, the policy will be to remove the endowed award and replace with it with Tuition Remission. Any exceptions to this will be reviewed at the VP-level for approval.

Financial Aid Scholarship Committees:

Returning Student Committee:

  1. Associate VP Enrollment Management:
  2. Director of Financial Aid;
  3. Member of Financial Aid Team;
  4. Member of Advancement Team;
  5. Member of Center for Student Academic Success (CSAS) Team;
  6. Member of Student Life;
  7. Member of Admission Team;
  8. Member of DE&I division

New Student Committee:

  1. VP Enrollment Management;
  2. Associate Vice President Enrollment Management;
  3. Assistant Vice President Enrollment Management/Dean of Admission;
  4. Member of Admission Team;
  5. Member of DE&I division

Meeting structure and cadence for scholarship committee: Meetings will be via Teams to maximize committee availability. Committees’ meetings and selections will begin in January for new students and in April (post- registration) for returning students. Meetings will be held weekly until all awards are distributed (April – July).

Communication Plan: To ensure that the most students possible are aware of the scholarship opportunities, the communication plan will include all communication channels: email from financial aid office, email or outreach from dean’s office, message through Civitas, posting on Roger Central, All University email, etc.

Identifying Endowed Award Recipients: recipients should be identifiable to appropriate RWU staff so other offices are aware and can support them accordingly (i.e. CSAS should know who the endowed scholars are). Teams Group will be created and all applicants will be shared with committee members for review. The applications and selections will be archived on the Team folder for annual A133 review.[TA1]

Procedure for endowed awardees who withdraw from the University or become ineligible for the award (i.e. they change their major). In a situation where a selected candidate withdraws or becomes ineligible, the committee will reconvene to select another recipient.

AWARD and Maintenance: The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for the management and maintenance of the endowed scholarship database. The database provides a consolidated source for scholarship criteria, electronic scholarship applications, eligible recipients, available disbursement amounts, and reports. Members of the scholarship committee will have access to view the database.

If your FAFSA is randomly selected by the U.S. Department of Education for a process called verification, we will need at a minimum the following information:

  • Complete your FAFSA using the IRS Direct Data Exchange (DDX). Please access your online FAFSA, make a correction, and use the DDX. This will update your FAFSA with your tax information directly from the IRS. All data retrieval results will be encrypted on your FAFSA in an effort to reduce the chances of compromising sensitive data and the risk of identity theft.
  • If you are ineligible to use the Direct Data Exchange, you are required to submit a copy of your IRS tax return or a tax return transcript of your federal income tax return to the Office of Financial Aid. You can request an official transcript online or by mail. There is no charge from the IRS to request this documentation.
  • Student and Parent (if applicable) W-2 forms.

Subsidized Federal Direct Loans

These are low interest loans that are awarded based on financial need. The U.S. Department of Education pays the interest that accrues on the loan during the in-school, grace and authorized deferment periods. The interest rate for the 2023/2024 year loan is 5.499% with a loan origination fee of 1.057% for undergraduate students. The maximum borrowing amount is $3,500 for freshmen, $4,500 for sophomores, and $5,500 for juniors and seniors with a maximum cumulative total of $23,000. Repayment of principal begins six months after the student stops attending school on at least a half-time basis.

Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans

These are low interest student loans that are not awarded based on financial need. The U.S. Department of Education does not subsidize the interest; the student borrower is responsible for all interest that accrues on the loan from the date of the first disbursement. The interest rate for this loan for the 2023/2024 year is 5.499% with a loan origination fee of 1.057% for undergraduate students. Repayment begins six months after the student stops attending school on a half-time basis.

Note: Based on student FAFSA results, students may be awarded a combination of subsidized and unsubsidized loan amounts. Regardless of the type of loan awarded, every student must complete Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note before receiving this loan.

Students accept and sign their initial award and any subsequent revisions via paper award letter.  The financial aid award letter is to be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Financial Aid within 10 business days.

Students attending the University for the first time (but for less than 60 percent of the period of enrollment) who received federal aid are required to have their billed charges calculated based on a federal pro rata refund formula which supersedes the general refund policy set forth in the University Catalog.

If a student withdraws, refunds of financial aid will be applied in the following order: first, Federal Stafford Loan, then Federal PLUS Loan, Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, and finally Roger Williams University grants and scholarships. The amount refunded shall not exceed the total amount granted for the fiscal year (credited to the student's account) for the particular federal program. The order in which funds are refunded is dictated by the federal government.

Purpose: This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for refunding student account balances at Roger Williams University (RWU). It aims to ensure that students receive timely and accurate refunds while maintaining compliance with applicable regulations. No student in situation aid above and beyond the cost of tuition and fees

Scope: This policy applies to all students with account balances at RWU, including those receiving financial aid, scholarships, or other forms of funding.

Policy Statement: Students are entitled to a refund of any credit balances on their accounts resulting from overpayments, financial aid disbursements, or other credits applied to their accounts. Refunds will be processed in a timely manner according to the procedures outlined below.


  1. Eligibility for Refunds
  • Refunds will be issued when a student's account reflects a credit balance after all tuition, fees, and other charges have been paid.
  • Eligible credits may arise from:
    • Overpayments made by the student.
    • Financial aid disbursements exceeding the total charges.
    • Scholarships or grants that create a surplus on the account.
  1. Refund Process
  • Requesting a Refund:
    • Students may initiate a refund request through the student portal or by contacting the Bursar’s Office.
  • Review of Account:
    • The Bursar’s Office will review the account to verify eligibility for a refund.
  • Processing Time:
    • Refund requests will be processed within 15 business days after approval.
  • Method of Refund:
    • Refunds will be issued via [check, direct deposit, or other specified method], as indicated by the student in their refund request
  1. Communication: Students will be notified via email of the status of their refund request, including any required actions or additional information needed.
  2. Timing of Refunds: Refunds for students receiving financial aid will be processed according to federal regulations, typically within 10 days after the start of the term.
  3. Compliance: This policy complies with federal regulations regarding student refunds, including Title IV regulations for financial aid disbursements.


  • Bursar’s Office: Responsible for processing refund requests, maintaining records, and ensuring compliance with federal regulations.
  • Students: Responsible for monitoring their account balances and initiating refund requests as needed.

Review and Revision: This policy will be reviewed annually by the Bursar and Financial Aid Office to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with regulatory changes.

Pursuant to, and in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations ((CFR) Title 34, Part 668 under Title IV, HEA programs, section 668.165), from the time you receive your billing statement notifying you that your Federal Direct Family Education Loan (Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized and/or PLUS) is disbursed on your account, you have 14 days to cancel it by submitting a written request to the University. The University's Financial Aid office must receive your written request within 14 days of the print date on your billing statement. You may contact the Office of the Bursar to discuss an alternate payment plan, if necessary.

Request mailing address:
Roger Williams University
Office of Financial Aid 
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809-2921

The Preferred Lender list is reviewed on an annual basis in the fall prior to Financial Aid Award Letters being sent to students for the next academic year. The Financial Aid staff (FAS) meets with and reviews information from a broad range of lenders located in and outside the New England area. Once the FAS has met and retrieved information from the lenders Roger Williams University FAS compares lenders based on the following two criteria:

  1. Service to borrowers
  2. Borrower Benefits

As a result FAS picks the top four lenders that have the best customer service and benefits for our borrowers. Roger Williams University has a list of four preferred lenders to help assist our students and parents in their search of the best lender for their circumstances. RWU does not receive any payment or benefits from the lenders on our preferred lender list. Our Preferred Lender List is a suggestion only and we will work with any lender at our students’ or parents’ request.

Federal Work-Study is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted annually to be considered for Federal Work-Study in the upcoming academic year. The FAFSA must be submitted before the RWU deadline in order to be eligible to receive work-study.

Students who are offered Federal Work-Study (FWS) as part of their financial aid package have three potential options to fulfill their work-study opportunity.

  1. Financial Aid Work-Study jobs are jobs around the campus that are open to eligible students at any point in their academic career. Students can work in a particular job for one semester or for all four years.
  2. The FIT program is a three-year opportunity for rising sophomores. Students have the chance to build their resume with meaningful, hands-on experience while working with a faculty or staff mentor in a role related to their academic work.
  3. Through the Feinstein Center for Engaged Learning, students may earn their work-study awards in the community at non-profit agencies.

Documentation Requirements

In order to begin work, all the necessary forms should be completed in its entirety with the hiring supervisor or manager of the department you are applying to.

  • Form I-9 
  • Federal Form W-4 
  • Rhode Island W-4 Form
  • Direct Deposit Form
  • Student Code of Conduct Form
  • Work-Study Supervisor Responsibilities Form

Working Requirements:

  • Once employed, students will receive a regular paycheck every two weeks according to the Student Payroll Calendar.
    • Earnings will not automatically go toward tuition or books
    • A student will earn a rate of Rhode Island minimum wage, unless they are participating in the Center for Academic Development Tutoring Program or the Financed Internship Program (FIT). 
  • Students will be entered into the ADP system once the work-study authorization form has been processed by payroll. Each student will swipe in and out at their designated shift.
  • The Supervisors will be able to electronically sign off on your time worked. Supervisors will sign off on the time in ADP by 10am on the appropriate Monday to meet the payroll deadline.
  • Students participating in the FIT program, must work a minimum of 5 hours per week.
  • Students may earn up to the amount of their approved FWS award, but must discontinue working in a FWS-funded job once the maximum allotment is reached.
  • Once a student's award limit is reached, hours worked in excess of your award must be paid by your supervisor's department.
  • Both the student and hiring supervisor will be notified via a letter/email if you are approaching your work-study limit.
  • It is the responsibility of both the student and hiring supervisor to ensure that students do not exceed their work-study limit.
  • No student may work more than 8 hours a day, including all University jobs.
  • The maximum amount of hours a student may work while school is in session is 20 hours/per week including all University jobs.
  • Working during your scheduled class time is prohibited.
  • During a summer recess and winter intersession, up to 40 hours a week may be worked, including all University jobs.
  • Students are prohibited from driving during work-study employment with the limited exception of authorized work-study driver positions.

Objective: To guarantee that all financial aid decisions are made fairly and transparently, irrespective of personal connections.


  • Disclosure Requirement: Financial aid staff must disclose any familial relationships with applicants or current students. This disclosure should be made to the Director of Financial Aid or a designated official as soon as the relationship is known and also disclosed on the RWU Annual Conflict of Interest Form.
  • Separation of Duties: Staff involved in the application process should not handle cases where they have a familial relationship. This includes both reviewing applications and making financial aid decisions.
  • External Review: All cases where a familial relationship is disclosed should be reviewed by an external committee or a designated impartial staff member who is not involved in the financial aid process such as the VP of EM or the Dean of Admissions.

Identifying and Handling Conflicts of Interest

Objective: To prevent conflicts of interest from affecting financial aid decisions.


  • Conflict of Interest Statement: Staff are required to sign the RWU Conflict of Interest Form annually and whenever a new potential conflict arises.
  • Conflict Resolution Procedure: Any issues will be reviewed and resolved on a case- by case basis:

Ensuring Checks and Balances

Objective: To create a system of checks and balances to prevent abuse and ensure decisions are made impartially.


  • Review and Oversight: Any conflicts should be reported annually to OGC. VP should review conflicts related to any FA staff.[TA1] [DT2]
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of financial aid decisions and processes to ensure compliance with established policies and identify any areas of concern.
  • Training and Awareness: Provide regular training for all financial aid staff on conflict of interest policies, ethical standards, and transparency practices.

Implementation Communication

  • Policy Distribution: Distribute the finalized policies to all financial aid staff and ensure they acknowledge receipt and understanding.
  • Training: Conduct training sessions to educate staff about the new policies and procedures, emphasizing the importance of transparency and handling conflicts of interest. Annual training session at FA Annual Staff retreat.

Review and Update

  • Periodic Review: Regularly review and update policies to ensure they remain effective and relevant. This should be done at least annually or in response to significant changes in the financial aid environment.

By implementing these policies, RWU will help ensure that financial aid decisions are made fairly and transparently, even when staff members have personal connections to applicants or students.